Source code for bottle_tools

import bottle
import inspect
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import wraps, partial

__version__ = "2019.12.22rc1"
common_kwargs = {"request": bottle.request}

def __cors_dict__(allow_credentials, origin, methods):
    cors_string = "Origin, Accept , Content-Type"
    cors_string += ", X-Requested-With, X-CSRF-Token"
        "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": cors_string,
        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": origin,
    if methods is not None:
        CORS_HEADERS["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = methods
    if allow_credentials is not None:
        value = "true" if allow_credentials else "false"
        CORS_HEADERS.update({"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": value})
    return CORS_HEADERS

def __make_cors_fn__(rule, routes, allow_credentials, origin):
    methods = ", ".join([r.method for r in routes])

    def fn():
        final_origin = (
            bottle.request.headers.get("Origin") if origin is None else origin
        headers = __cors_dict__(allow_credentials, final_origin, methods)

    return fn

[docs]def add_cors(app, allow_credentials=True, origin=None): """ Automatically adds CORS routes to an app instance. This function must be called after **ALL** routes have been registered to the app. This does not add OPTIONS to those routes which already have an OPTIONS method registered. .. code:: python # add your routes however you want # in the END, add the next line app = add_cors(app) # then continue to run your app or whatever you wanted to do """ # collect methods and other info grp_by_rule = defaultdict(list) for route in app.routes: grp_by_rule[route.rule].append(route) # add the new routes cors_functions = [] for rule, routes in grp_by_rule.items(): if not any([r.method == "OPTIONS" for r in routes]): fn = __make_cors_fn__(rule, routes, allow_credentials, origin) app.route(rule, method=["OPTIONS"])(fn) @app.hook("after_request") def add_cors_headers(): final_origin = ( bottle.request.headers.get("Origin") if origin is None else origin ) headers = __cors_dict__(allow_credentials, final_origin, None) bottle.response.headers.update(headers) return app
[docs]def fill_args(function=None, *, json_only=False, coerce_types=False): """ Use to populate function arguments from json/query string/post data provided in API call. If supplied, the json_only argument ensures that a POST api call only ever works under the content_type of `application/json`. Some example usages: .. code:: python'/user') @fill_args def change_user_data(name, age): # Do something with name and age'/user') @fill_args(json_only=True) def change_user_data(name, age): # Do something with name and age @app.get('/search/<folder>') @fill_args def search_for_string(folder, query): # folder is from the URL and query can be passed as params # Do something with query If you provide simple type annotations the decorator will ensure those types. For example .. code:: python'/calculate') @fill_args def fancy_calculation(a: int, b: float): return {'result': a + b} This bit of code raises an error if `a` is not supplied as an integer or if `b` is not given as a float. Complex types like those described in the `Typing module <>`_ in Python docs are not yet supported. If you would like them to be added, please open up an issue. Some arguments which need to be present throughout your application may be provided via the `common_kwargs` dictionary. For example, you might need your ORM's table throughout your routes. .. code:: python import bottle_tools as bt bt.common_kwargs.update({"UserTable": UserTable})'/login') @bt.fill_args def login_function(uname: str, pwd: str, UserTable): user = UserTable.get_or_none(uname=uname) if user is None: raise bt.abort(404, 'Not found') if not user.check_password(pwd): raise bt.abort(404, 'Not found') user.new_session() ... """ if function is None: return partial(fill_args, json_only=json_only, coerce_types=True) spec = inspect.getfullargspec(function) # figure out which args have defaults supplied args, defaults, anno = spec.args, spec.defaults, spec.annotations defaults = ( set() if defaults is None else set([name for _, name in zip(reversed(defaults), reversed(args))]) ) @wraps(function) def new_fn(*a, **kw): method = bottle.request.method # Current request being processed if json_only: if (not hasattr(bottle.request, "json")) or bottle.request.json is None: return bottle.abort(415, 'please use "application/json"') else: given = bottle.request.json else: R = bottle.request given = R.forms if hasattr(R, "forms") and R.forms is not None else {} given.update(R.json if hasattr(R, "json") and R.json is not None else {}) given.update(R.query if hasattr(R, "query") and R.query is not None else {}) kwargs = dict() for name in spec.args: if ( name not in given and name not in defaults and name not in kw and name not in common_kwargs ): return bottle.abort(400, "Please provide `{name}`".format(name=name)) if name in common_kwargs: kwargs[name] = common_kwargs[name] elif name in given: val = given[name] if ( name in anno and not isinstance(val, anno[name]) and not coerce_types ): return bottle.abort( 400, "Please provide `{name}: {type}`".format( name=name, type=anno[name] ), ) val = anno.get(name, lambda x: x)(val) if coerce_types else val kwargs[name] = val kw.update(kwargs) return function(*a, **kw) return new_fn
[docs]def prefix_docs(app): """ Automatically prefixes docstrings of functions with the method and route in the decorator. Use this just like `add_cors` but **BEFORE** you register any routes. For example .. code:: python app = bottle.Bottle() app = prefix_docs(app) @app.get('/some') def my_fn(): "This function returns some" return 'some' When this code is used in Sphinx or via `help(my_fn)`, the docstring being processed is the following :: **GET** */some* This function returns some This information changes as per the code. So if you register more than one url to the same function, it will reflect that in the code. .. code:: python @app.get('/search') @app.get('/🔎') def my_search(): "Perform some fancy search" return 'found it!' The docstring looks like: :: **GET** */some* **GET** */🔎* Perform some fancy search """ def _prefix_docs(method): @wraps(method) # method liket post/get/delete etc def new_api_registration(route, *a, **kw): # method is called with a route and returns a decorator fn_decorator = method(route, *a, **kw) # we build a new decorator which will add the docstrings @wraps(fn_decorator) def new_decorator(*args, **kwargs): fn = fn_decorator(*args, **kwargs) doc = "**{}** *{}*".format(method.__name__.upper(), route) doc += "" if fn.__doc__ is None else "\n\n{}".format(fn.__doc__) fn.__doc__ = doc return fn return new_decorator return new_api_registration = _prefix_docs( app.get = _prefix_docs(app.get) app.delete = _prefix_docs(app.delete) app.put = _prefix_docs(app.put) return app